God tells a redeemed people how to live and have fellowship with Him. Leviticus teaches the Sinai generation and it's readers from all of history to look for and trust in the Messiah.
Here we see the backstory and principles that guide our thinking in understanding the Book of Leviticus. Leviticus foreshadows the Messiah's work and points it's readers to Him.
The sacrificial system paints a picture of the Messiah's work. Jesus offered His life in our place willingly and fully. Through Him we can enjoy fellowship with God.
The Levitical Priesthood demonstrates our need for a Mediator to facilitate our reconciliation to God. Like many things in Leviticus, this too points to Christ as our Great High Priest and Mediator.
Under Levitical law, God ordered ceremonial washing to remind the people of the pervasiveness of sin. Jesus washes us clean and makes us new.
God expects His people to live free of pagan worship, perverse relationships and the exploitation of people. In this sermon Pastor Daniel teaches believers to speak Biblically and confidently to morally confused culture.
The priesthood of Leviticus points us to Christ. He is the perfect priest who offers His perfect life in exchange for sinful people.
The people of God are commanded to celebrate and rest in God's provision of salvation. Each feast day and sabbath points the reader to Jesus Christ.
Though these sections read like appended notes, there are many principles that inform our walk with Christ when it comes to obedience, holiness and giving.