What life and human community look like under the gracious rule of God.
What life and human community look like under the gracious rule of God.
Jesus inaugurates the long awaited Kingdom of God where their is forgiveness of sin and the Law is written on the hearts of His people.
The favor of God rests on those who trust in Christ alone.
Grief over that which grieves God produces Christ like character in us as we wait for our faith to become sight.
The world says "might is right". But, in the Kingdom of God, the meek will inherit the earth.
Most of things that we crave in this life leave us feeling empty. But in the Kingdom of God, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
Through the cross, Christians are men and women of mercy.
The pure of heart relate to God and others with a single-minded devotion to Jesus Christ
Christians actively pursue that which leads to peace.
Believers can rejoice in being persecuted for Christlikeness because it means we are growing in Christlikeness.
Christians are called to salt-like influence in the world. Like salt, believers should both add flavor and hold decay until the Lord returns.
Like a city on a hill, the church reflects the light of the gospel of Christ into a dark and sinful world.
Nothing Jesus did or taught was in conflict with the Old Testament. He fulfills the law and expects his followers to obey the law according to it's intended purpose.
Murder and condemning words grow from the same soil. But Jesus offers us transformational righteousness through reconciliation.
Adultery begins in the heart...so relation purity requires radical surgery.
Jesus' view of marriage is higher and stronger than the teaching of the Pharisees. They allowed divorce, whenever it was convenient. But God's design for marriage is a lifelong commitment.
Rather than participating in the deceptive norms of the world, Christians are called by Christ to live with a commitment to truth.
Responding with grace when we are wronged or ripped is far more valuable than vengeance.
In loving those who oppose us, we imitate Christ.
The expectation of the Bible is that Christians will be people of generous giving and service. Such charity should never to be self glorifying, but purely for the the glory of God.
Rather than praying like hypocrites or heathen, Jesus instructed His follower to pray to God as a loving Father.
Jesus teaches us how to pray with a priority on the things of God before our own felt needs.
Fasting as a personal spiritual discipline yields many spiritual benefits.
Jesus invites His followers to treasure eternal things that will never decay or be lost.
Jesus offers truth that delivers us from anxious worry when we trust in Him.
Jesus invites us to participate in a Kingdom marked by redemptive grace rather than living in the hypercritical and judgmental patterns of the world.
Casting pearls before swine is to compromise what is sacred in service to what is practical.
Jesus commands those who hear the Sermon on The Mount to enter the narrow gate and become citizens of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus instructs his followers in understanding the dangers of false teachers as well as in how to recognize them.
Christians are not simply those who claim to know Christ, but those who are known by Christ.
Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount by inviting His hearers to build our lives on the sure foundation of the word and the work of Jesus Christ.